Serving Gardeners in Western MassachusettsDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\George\Documents\WMMGA\Web Site\WMMGA\Turquoise_and_GrayA1A5.gif

What is the Master Gardener Association?

The Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association provides volunteer services to the general public, including an e-mail hotline to answer your gardening questions; soil testing, and presentations to civic and gardening groups.

Gardening Topic – Spring Symposia

Get ready for spring at one or more of our annual symposia.....  More





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News you can use

Spring Symposia

South Deerfield, March 16, 2013 at Frontier Regional High School. Click here for a flyer.

Holyoke, April 6, 2013 at Dean Technical High School, click here for a flyer

Berkshire, April 13, 2013, at Lenox Middle and High School, click here for a flyer

Please note that our website is being redesigned. Until the new site is activated, there will be limited updates to this site, but important news items, like the symposia, will be updated as necessary. Thank you for your patience.

Topic Archives

The archives of our monthly articles have now been updated. We have more than 100 interesting articles on various gardening topics, landscaping ideas, and topics for those who have fallen in love with trees. With these articles available for download all written by Master Gardeners, with awards for the best shade shrubs, best atlanta landscaper and contributions by local plant enthusiasts, arborists, and organizations like 72 Tree Service of Alpharetta. We ask that you credit the Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association if you reprint or otherwise reuse these articles. Click here to go to the Archives.

Demonstration Classes in Pittsfield

All classes are free (donations to offset print cost are appreciated). Classes are rain or shine- no reschedules. Please check back in the spring for the new schedule.

Get Help from our Hotlines by phone or by e-mail -

The telephone hotline is open. Leave a question and phone number on the answering machine and we will call you back. 413-298-5355.

EMAIL YOUR QUESTIONS  E-mail us year round with your gardening questions and a Master Gardener will research it and get back to you with an answer within 48 hours. For more information, see our Events page.

Check out the new UDSA hardiness zone map:

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About WMMGA___ Garden Questions___ Events

___ Soil Testing___ Links

Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association

Please send comments about this web site to webmaster

Last updated 03/30/2010 by G. Kingston
Designed and Maintained by
Websites by George